December 28th, 2024
Aslan Awards
are in
Dj Tryllian
Jay Sylverhart
Special guest
Galbratorix LaymePreshow
Red Carpet
6pm estAwards Show
8pm estLocation
Dynamis, Cuchuainn
Shiro W22 P30Wifi:
Your Voices
have been

EVENT WIFI: Syncshell ID:LionsPride2024
PW:Erase Hate
The Lion's Den FFXIV and Stone Pecs Celebrate Our 2 Year Anniversary! Lion's Pride 2024 is a Proud Supporter of the Matthew Shepard Foundation! Erase the Hate! Oceanian, Materia, Bismark, Mist, W1, the Beach! Stone Pecs 2 YR Anniversary on Crystal, Goblin Shiro W19 P46!Happy Anniversary Stone Pecs!! It's officially been 2 years since the Grand Opening of Stone Pecs - Men's Bath house, or so it was named in the past. Now it has become a full-fledged club with way more than when we first started. I want to thank all of you guys and the staff that have been here supporting the venue since the beginning.
Many thanks to the owner of Wolf's Tooth Leather Bar Remy Barker. For the creation of Lion's Pride 2024 shirt!
Along with Ruby Hearts Junkdog for the very stylish crop top with different styles for different bodies.
But wait there's more we ain't done yet we even have the tied up tank top version and a hoodie style from Vamprincess Dorene who is also the owner of Ruby Hearts.
Featuring multiple versions from bibo, tbse bodys, and for the HR.
I am sure many of you will enjoy them as many of us do already.
Hosted by:
Lion's Pride 2024, Erase the Hate! We have enough hate in the world. It's time to come together and stand up against hate in any form. We are stronger together than apart! The Matthew Shepard Foundation has been about stopping hate and hate crimes against the LGBTQIA+ community. This is very near and dear to my heart due to the fact that shortly after his death in October of 1998. I moved to Wyoming in the summer of 1999. Not only did his death change that state but the country and the world. Judy Shepard is a staunch Ally of the LGBTQIA+ community. Judy Shepard and Dennis Shepard set up the Matthew Shepard Foundation to Erase the Hate. Judy Shepard's immense efforts to classify sexual orientation as a protected class of hate crimes. In 2009 that dream was realized by the signing of legislation by President Barack Obama.We have protection at the federal level. But as you all know things have been changing. So, it is important now more than ever to Erase the Hate. Let's show our support in Erasing the Hate! Let's not go backwards but move forward! We need to stand together in one voice!
We’re also raising money for the Matthew Shepard Foundation; Erase Hate is now more important than ever! If you have a little bit to spare, please consider donating.
It's a safe place to be ourselves and we are so excited for you to join us here!